

Barbara Gordon/Batgirl, Commissioner Gordon, Batman, Robin, Zatanna, The Penguin and Mr. Freeze are the copyright property of DC comics. This story is not a challenge to the legal copyright of the owners. All other characters not expressly owned by DC comics or Time/Warner are the creation of the author.


This story is created/adapted/modified without permission, either implied or expressed.


This story is a work of fiction. No money was paid for the creation of this story. It is a fan fiction and not for resale or to be used on a website for pay.


This is a work of fiction. No characters in this story are based on real people.  Any resemblance to persons living or dead is coincidental. All characters are over the legal age of consent. The author does not support or promote such acts in reality.


This is an adult story. Children should not read this material.


Perchance to Dream

by Max Hass

April, 2004


Barbara was tired.


After months of fighting crime and coming out on the short end of the stick, she had had enough.


Her last dual battle with The Penguin and Mr. Freeze had been the final straw.  Despite foiling their combined efforts to overcome her and defeat her in combat, she had been defiled in the process. What ate at her now was the next choice she would have to make.


Retirement. Get out of crime fighting from the shadows. After all, she was only one of dozens of crime fighters who managed to contain the continuous efforts by criminals in her city.


But something continued to eat away at her desire to just walk away. Perhaps it was the way she was brought up by her father, and as much as she could before she was killed in the line of duty, her mother. It ran in her blood and burned in her soul. Seeing Batman take out the human trash of the city only brought out that urge even more.


Her mind was in turmoil. After a week of trying to return to a 'normal' life, she realized that life would not allow that. After all, she was Batgirl. Like it or not, she had to face the situation and resolve it.


Working at the library, Barbara Gordon had managed to resume her old schedule and work habits. Her forays as Batgirl had cost her alter ego a great deal of trouble. Taking time off to recover from her various battles had created social and work related situations she had to overcome. Having come back from her latest fight and pushing her way into her role as a upstanding citizen and employee, Barbara was stretched like a rubber band. A current of tension was contained just below her detached manner. She was only as social as her job and family life required her to be.


Commissioner Gordon had only seen his daughter once since her fight with Mr. Freeze. They shared a dinner at his home. Despite her attempts to mask her underlying conflict, Barbara was losing her grip on her emotions. "Dad, I'm sorry. There are days that I miss Mom so much. This is one of those days." "I know you try your best, but some things you need to talk out with your mother.  Barb, you have always been your own best teacher. Everything I was unable to do as your father you managed to resolve by yourself. If your mother were here, she'd be proud of you."


He thought for a minute while poking at the unfinished turkey on his plate. "I know you've taken some time off from work, but you haven't really gotten away from this city in years. Why not ask a friend to go on a real vacation? Maybe fly down to the Mexican Riviera?" Barbara pondered this suggestion as he finished his sentence. Get away. Take a friend who she could trust and talk things out. Get some perspective. Great.


She got up from her chair and rushed to hug her father. "Oh Dad, you're the greatest! I know just who I should ask! I'll give her a call when I get home.  Now, if you're done poking at that poor turkey, I'll clear the table and we can plan my little getaway."


Zatanna was the first name to pop into Barbara's mind when her father started to talk about Mexico. Having met Zatanna through meetings at the Justice League, she knew of her power as a master magician. Not an illusionist or fraud, her father was a legend, using his skills to fight against powers beyond mortal ability. Zatanna was also a very friendly and outgoing girl who seemed untouched by her own entry into the crime fighting profession.


A quick e-mail and a day later, they had caught up on the time in between their last talk and Barbara had her reservation to fly to Acapulco and join Zatanna at the hotel where she was giving a series of performances.


As Barbara was flying South, Sandra was absorbed in editing the last two battles she had staged with her unwilling accomplice. Not leaving anything to chance, she had mastered the art of video editing and scoring. Thanks to advancements in computer software, all aspects of the creative process were now at her command.  Even the music was custom tailored to the program, all without outside help.


Sandra labored over this process with an eye to her next encounter. In her heart, she knew that Batgirl was not a quitter. Even though she had vanished for the moment, she would be back. All Sandra had to do was occupy her time and make her plans until that moment was ready. The next act would be even more demanding than the last one. Her new partners would see to that.


Mexico was beautiful as Barbara looked down over the coast while the airliner made a lazy loop into a final approach to the airport. Zatanna was busy, but she knew that the staff would be waiting with a limo for their tired guest. A quick trip from the airport and Barbara was standing in the lobby of the Hyatt Regency on the beach. The staff had been briefed on this guest and her needs. She would be sharing the Presidential Suite on the 22th floor of the high rise.


Barbara marveled at the sights from the suite as she was given a tour by the hotel representative. "From here, you can see all of the coast. Zatanna loves this view." Barbara paused and gazed out the landscaped windows at the bay and the beach. "You are her only guest for the week. Please, call us if you have any needs. We are here to serve our most important guests." And with a brief pause to pass her the digital card for unlocking the door to the suite, the hotel rep was gone. Barbara was alone with the view.


She was also alone with her thoughts about Zatanna. Of course Barbara knew the public biography of her life, as well as her JLA history. Her father John was a brilliant magician. Little was known about her mother beyond the fact that much of her powers were passed to her daughter. Zatanna preferred the company of men, but preferred the company of other magicians even more. Her noble spirit was always beyond doubt, demonstrated by her single handed restoration of Metropolis after it was leveled. The power to manipulate matter with her magic was an open secret, but one she managed to keep contained. That power could be abused in ways that no mortal could imagine.


Then her thoughts turned to her own life as of late. Every major fight she had been in had turned very dark and sexual. She had expected this. Comes with the territory. Her Batgirl uniform had always been a high risk exposure to her male opponents. After all, she wanted every advantage she could make use of against them. A little shock and distraction never hurt. Until now.


Barbara often wondered when her past would overtake her present. When people would finally see through her mask and uniform to see who was really behind it.  Now that several criminals had nearly pushed her beyond her abilities, Barbara had begun to doubt her future as a crime fighter. At least, as a masked crime fighter. Her alter ego would only last so long.


This was one of her reasons for asking Zatanna for her help. Unlike Batgirl, Zatanna had no need for a disguise. In fact, she was far more forward in her wardrobe than Batgirl had ever dared. The custom tuxedo/swimsuit combination she wore almost everywhere was a temptation most men would find irresistible. Like Black Canary, she worked in black fishnet stockings and very revealing tights.  Since she began her solo career on the stage, she had only made minor changes to her outfit. Though she traded her spiked heeled pumps for more sensible knee high boots with no heels, Zatanna was almost as recognized as Superman or Green Lantern with or without them.


It was early evening when Zatanna finally ended her preparations for that nights show. She had finished the mental list of problems with the revised act and was now able to turn her full attention to her guest upstairs. Wondering why Barbara  had not come down to see her rehearsal, she reached for the phone and dialed the number for her room. "Barbara! I wish you had come down to see my preparation for tonight. How was your flight?" They spent the next few minutes chatting about her trip and exchanging their schedules.


"I'm so glad you're here. A familiar face is always welcome. I'll be up in a few minutes and we can make our plans." With that, Zatanna finished the conversation and hung up. But she already had plans that Barbara was unaware of.


Making her way to the service elevator, she avoided the public in the hours before the show. There will be plenty of time for her audience. "But for now, Batgirl will be my captive audience. She needs a bit of help and I plan to be her helper tonight" she thought to herself as the floors passed below her.  


Barbara had long since unpacked and changed into more casual clothes for the afternoon. A loose tee shirt and slacks with sandals were all she needed for the warm weather. Despite her plan to leave the suite, she decided against it but could not put her finger on why she remained in the room. She felt more comfortable in the large suite than she had anywhere in recent days.


Just as she began to close the drapes against the bright late afternoon sun, Zatanna let herself into the suite with little announcement. Even with all the possible risks of being in a strange place, Barbara had let her guard down somewhat. She had only done a quick sweep for listening devices and cameras.  Finding none, Barbara came to believe that her host had already dealt with anything she would find offensive or intrusive. Both of them had secrets that they didn't want overseen, after all.


Almost from the moment that Zatanna crossed the threshold of the door, the mood in the suite changed. Barbara felt a level of comfort that she had not experienced since her mother died. Relief, a sense of not having to be the responsible party. This was her time to let go and see what help her magical friend could provide.


The two women embraced, Zatanna leading the hug. As always, she was dressed in her standard performance costume. "I love the look on you. The boots are a nice touch. Aren't they hot in this weather?" commented Barbara after looking her host over. "Don't tell anyone, but I love the extra warmth. I've always disliked the cold." She didn't go one word further with that thought knowing what Batgirl had been through from her own research on her guest.


Zatanna paused to remove her signature top hat on a table by the door. "What time do you need to be ready for your show tonight?" asked Barbara. Oh, I don't hit the back stage until about 15 minutes to nine. The audience expect precision and I give that to them. My shows are perfection before I leave the rehearsal.  You'll see for yourself tonight."


"But before that, let's relax and get to what's going on with Batgirl. I'm so happy that you came to me for a heart to heart. After all, there aren't all that many women like us around." "You don't know the half of it, Zatanna. The past year has been the worst of my life since my mom died. God knows that dad did his best. But the wall he put up between his work and me closed off part of his life to me. The most important part. Where he lost his heart."


Zatanna almost knew what Barbara was speaking of. After her own separation from her father and the hunt around the world for him, she understood the feeling of loss. But she did find her father and helped to free him in the end. Their relationship didn't have the artificial wall that Commissioner Gordon built after the death of his wife though. But Zatanna had several clear advantages that Barbara didn't have.


Both women had sat down on a couch in the drape darkened room. The air conditioning kept the outside air from spoiling Zatanna's carefully controlled environment. She didn't care much for hot climates unless she was forced to deal with them for good reasons. She hated to sweat unless she needed or wanted to.  However, Zatanna had found, in this case. a good reason to sweat.


"Barbara, if you don't mind, can I talk to you as Batgirl? I have an idea, but I'd like to check it with you in uniform." Barbara looked for a brief moment into Zatanna's eyes. A brief blush appeared on her cheeks. Smiling, she responded. "I didn't think I'd be making an appearance here as Batgirl, so I didn't bring my outfit or equipment." Thinking for a moment, she continued.  "Unless you have something else in mind?"


"Close your eyes for a moment and trust me." Barbara complied with her request without hesitation. Pulling her ever present wand from her black tuxedo jacket pocket, she waved it over Barbara's head and quietly whispered a few words in reversed English. A mist of light covered Barbara's body and a change came over the cloth that composed her pants and shirt. In a second, everything she had worn had been converted into a striking copy of a Batgirl uniform, but not exactly the same as what she was used to wearing.


"Open your eyes now. Go take a look at yourself in the mirror in your bedroom."  Getting on her feet, Barbara felt the difference between the flats she had worn moments before and the boots that now covered her feet. Looking down at herself, she noticed that this uniform was not what she was used to. Rushing to the mirror in her part of the suite, she came to see all of what Zatanna had done with her look.


Instead of the black tights and yellow accessories she was used to, Batgirl was now outfitted in a uniform consisting of shades of blue. Instead of calf high boots, she now had knee high leather similar to what her friend was wearing. The pants were as skin tight as her old ones, but felt more supportive in a comfortable way.


Unlike her old top, the one Zatanna created for her was more like a full support workout bra and halter. The bra straps were wide but left a great deal more skin exposed around her neck and shoulders. Keeping with the old version, Zatanna created a dark cape that covered the area of her shoulders not covered by the new top. Her arms were covered with opera length leather gloves. A dark blue utility belt hung just above her hips. The Bat logo stood out on her breasts more in relief than by color contrast.


"This should make you less of a target in the dark. What do you think, Batgirl?"  Barbara  was somewhat confused but happy with what she saw in the mirror. No one had ever thought as much of her image as Zatanna it seems. Barbara ran through her mind in a split second and considered her life and how others had treated her and how she treated her family and friends. Most of that life was spent alone after her mother's death. Her father tried, lord knows. But most of her time was absorbed in learning.


"Penny for your thoughts?" Barbara turned to look at her friend as she spoke those words softly and slowly. "Zatanna, I'm at a loss for works. Considering that words are a significant part of my life, that's a hard confession to make."  Smiling, she responded. "I'm going to guess that you didn't have much of a chance to spend enough time with your dad. I know that feeling well." Barbara sat down and looked into her friends' eyes. She did have an idea what was going on.


"Well, after mother died, he threw himself into his job and I threw myself into my books. I always believed that I had grieved for and got past my mom's death.  But you know deep inside that you never get over that space in your life." Zatanna sat down as well. Quietly, listened fully to Barbara opening up her life. As she went on, Zatanna began to ponder what might bring her friend out of this introspection and back into the moment.


"I had an ulterior motive for changing your outfit. Your life the past year has been one of extreme danger. It is my hope that you will learn from what has happened to you in your fights. But there are times when you cannot examine the memory just by thinking about it. Sometimes you must live it." Barbara followed her line of logic with great interest. Being knowledgeable in the mechanics of magic, she had always hoped that someone with as much skill as Zatanna would help her understand.


"Let me understand what you have in mind. Do you want me to replay the battles here in this room? Is this some kind of hypnosis?" Zatanna smiled and stood, walking towards her friend. "In a way, that's a good description. However, what I have in mind is more in the here and now. You will be safe and sound. You will be able to see exactly what you have gone through one on one with someone outside of your regular group of friends and partners."


Partners. Zatanna would have to bring up Batman and Robin. "I see that subject isn't pleasant for you, Babs." She could read the lines on Barbara's face under the mask as if she weren't wearing it at all. "Let's leave that for the moment and focus on how I can help you. Have you ever had hypnotic therapy at any point in your life?" Thinking for a moment, she responded "Yes, when I was being consoled after my mom's death. I think it helped somewhat. I remember how much better I felt."


Considering her next words carefully based on Batgirl's response, Zatanna slowly began to speak of her plan. "Barbara, or should I say Batgirl? You will feel better than you have felt in years after this session." I'd like you to get up now and walk over to this couch." With a wry smile on her face, Batgirl did as her friend instructed her. Sitting down, Zatanna continued her soft, slow speech. "Now, relax your shoulders and arms. Rock your head and neck around slowly as if it were a ball on your shoulders. Be gentle and focus on the movements and how they feel."


Feeling somewhat like a slow motion warm up, Barbara followed every suggestion that she was given. Sitting on the couch, she stretched and moved each major muscle group in her body. "Now, the last part of your body, your legs. Lift them by leaning back on the couch and lift and bend them. Concentrate on the feel of the muscles in each leg. Once you have done that, you can just bend and twist your feet from your ankles. Watching Batgirl move her body had aroused Zatanna, but she did her best to conceal that fact from Barbara. She was halfway into a trance. The last thing she wanted was to spoil the surprise she had in store for her.


"OK, now you are one step away from beginning your path into a deep, deep trance. Your sleep will be sound and peaceful. No harm will come to you here and now. I will be your guard. I will lead you to that which you need to see with your eyes wide open and at peace." Barbara was half asleep, her eyes closed, and a smile came to her face. "Now, I want you to lie on your back. Make yourself comfortable as if your were going to bed in your own home. You are home now, Batgirl. You are at peace."


"You hear the sound of my voice as if it were your own. My voice is the path you will follow as you continue to relax and fall deeper and deeper into a sleep unlike any other you can remember." Batgirl moved ever so slightly, as if to mimic her own sleep pattern at home. Zatanna continued to watch her face carefully, looking at her breathing and eyelids for the tell tale indications of how her 'patient' was doing.


The hotel room had become darker now. Zatanna had used her magic skill to manipulate the lights in the background. "Now you are about to rejoin me here in the room. You will be here in real time, but you will also be fully relaxed and at peace. You will follow any suggestion I make to you. Any action I ask, you will do freely and of your own will. Nothing I ask will harm or hurt you in any way. Our goal is to see you here and now. You will be perfectly safe and comfortable. The more you help with this task, the more you will heal from what has happened to you in the past."


"I will do what you ask." Zatanna carefully examined Batgirl's face as she spoke those words. Every signal her body language offered showed that the trance was perfect. Batgirl would be willing to do whatever was asked of her in this condition. "I'll count from five to one now. I'll count slowly and you will return to the hotel room and we'll have a very pleasant conversation."




Barbara was in a very deep trance. Zatanna had succeeded in doing what a very few people on Earth could have done to her. Every word Zatanna spoke felt as though it were the voice of her father and mother, reaching back to her from the past. She had no reservation as to what this voice asked of her. Trusting, she waited patiently for the next number to be spoken.




It was rare for Batgirl to be so relaxed. Her young adult life had grown tense.  The events of the past year had changed her whole emotional complexion. Events that had left her drained and wondering who she was were melting away as Zatanna spoke.




Even with the death of her mother, Barbara managed to keep some of her inner self innocence intact. She had a sense of humor. She managed to make the best of any situation. In those facts, she took great comfort. Now, she was about to make a major breakthrough, though Barbara had no idea exactly what was going to happen.




Barbara trusted Zatanna with her life. She felt a bonding unlike any other she had ever experienced. Comfort barely touched the surface for what Barbara felt in this space and time. Trust was wholly inadequate a word for the sensation she floated in as she returned to the real time of the hotel room.




There was a brief moment of hesitation in Zatanna's heart as she spoke the last number. While she had perfect trust in her own skills as a magician, there was always the risk that Batgirl would not respond to her hypnotic ability. If she had resisted, there would be a risk that the trance would be broken. In order for Zatanna to conduct her plan, the trance must be perfect. No mistakes could be risked.


"Batgirl, please open your eyes now. You are back with me in the hotel room. You are at perfect peace." Batgirl opened her eyes slowly. The darkened room allowed her mind to recover slowly. "Feel like sitting up now and talking for a bit?"


"Sure. I wish you lived in Gotham City year round so we could do this every month. I can't remember any therapy that was so effective." Zatanna smiled.  Barbara was happy and content. Now to put her trance to the test. "Batgirl, how do you feel about me?"


"You know, I can't exactly put my finger on the words I'd like to use. But I'd have to say that I've never had a relationship like the one I now have with you."


"You and I have a very great deal in common, Batgirl. We are both strong individuals with family influences that echo every day of our lives. We both seek to make the world a better place for everyone. We both have suffered losses, but gained great strength from the trials we have gone through."


Batgirl sat and listened to every word that her friend spoke to her. Rather than questioning the events that were going on around her, she fully embraced every thing that Zatanna said.


"Batgirl, let me show you some of the features of this particular uniform I made for you. I think you'll like it a great deal once you get to know about it."  Standing and walking towards the still seated Batgirl, Zatanna stopped and kneeled before her. "Let's start with a simple lesson. Have you ever wanted to have your uniform on you and still be able to appear dressed as Barbara?"


Barbara thought about that question for only a brief moment. A smile came to her face as she thought of the possibility of a magic uniform. "Oh, yes! That would be so perfect, Zatanna. I'd love to learn how to use such a transformation."  Zatanna looked up into Barbara's masked face and smiled. "All right. First off, you know that part of my magical skill involves speaking English words in reverse to trigger the particular spell I cast, right? Well, since I've created this uniform for you, you can speak the trigger words yourself. Do you want to know the words now?"


Barbara was ecstatic. Her mind was flooded with joy as if she were a five year old at her own birthday party. The best birthday party she ever imagined. Only this was real. Zatanna got up from her knees and stood in front of Batgirl for a moment. "Your life is about to change, my dear friend." She then sat down on the couch next to Batgirl and leaned to speak into her cowled ear. "I'll say this as many times as you need to hear it. We'll practice the spell trigger until you feel you know it."


Whispering the words into Barbara's ear, Zatanna's trance continued to hold sway over her mind. The joy Barbara felt disarmed her totally. As Zatanna spoke the spell, she had Barbara picture her uniform in her mind. "See the whole, then see the parts. You can select every item with practice. But for now, let's focus on the larger items. Speak the spell for pants now."


Closing her eyes, she saw her tight fitting pants clearly in her mind. Speaking the spell slowly, Barbara felt a very gentle tingle as the cloth of her new uniform vanish, leaving her bare skin exposed to the air.


Zatanna placed her hands on Barbara's shoulders and praised her new skill. "Now, let's take this training to the bathroom. The mirror will help you see what you do without having to break your concentration." Following Zatanna to the suite's spa like bathroom, Barbara felt something she had not felt in a very long time.  Secure. With each passing moment with her friend, Barbara trusted in her as if she were her own family.


Despite the lack of her pants, Batgirl remained clothed in the uniform that Zatanna had crafted with her magic. The panties were a very thin cotton that left no sign of a seam when her pants had graced her long legs. "Zatanna, is there a chance that I could learn to use this spell on other people?" With that question, Zatanna stopped and turned to look into her eyes. "Well, with some practice. But let's stay focused on your uniform for the moment. Now, focus again and visualize your legs. Make your pants return. This time, don't close your  eyes. Look in the mirror on the wall and see it happen."


Doing exactly what she had been taught, Batgirl spoke the specific words to restore her pants. It took a good deal of concentration to get the backwards speech and the words in order. And it took a tiny bit of her mental energy to achieve the focus. Every time she used that energy, Zatanna made note of her body language. Everything was going exactly as she had planned.


"Once you've done that a few dozen times, you'll never forget it. But remember, for now you will only be able to affect this specific set of clothes you're wearing. In the future, we'll work on the spell that will allow you to change other items you own now to use as uniform items." Barbara smiled widely. "You mean I'll be able to improve my abilities?" "Yes, but don't get your hopes up, Babs. There are many variables in developing the kind of power my parents and I hold. You'll need a great deal of guidance and focus to achieve the growth you hope for now."


Realizing how much she had yet to learn, Barbara became slightly miffed with her impatience. After all, it took her most of her life to develop the physical skills she used as Batgirl. Now she was trying to learn the secrets of the cosmos in an afternoon. Seeing the look on her face, Zatanna spoke at once.  "Remember, this is just the first step in a long journey. Let's take a break and I'll show you the other reason I brought you into the bathroom."


"First off, help me off with this costume, will you?" Zatanna turned her back to Barbara and held up her arm. Noting that her new gloves were almost as tactile as her own skin, she began by removing the formal dinner jacket that Zatanna wore over her vest and dress shirt. The bottom of her wardrobe was a bit more provocative, being a simple but full figured bikini bottom that covered her well trimmed hips. Barbara focused on every item as Zatanna stood and smiled.


Removing her vest and blouse, Barbara found that Zatanna wore a very sheer support bra. Pausing to note the physical condition of her friend, Zatanna asked "Like what you see?" "You don't work out as much as I do, do you?" Continuing to smile, she took Barbara's left hand with both of hers. "It's true that I should work out more, but I'm not as unprepared as you might think."


Halfway expecting that Zatanna might pull some trick on her, Batgirl tensed slightly. "You and I have a great deal in common, more than you may know now.  Tell me honestly, who do you love?" That question was calculated and complex, made even more so by the fact that the woman who just asked it was holding her hand in hers.


"Do you have a couple of hours?" asked Batgirl with a smile on her face. Seeing that reply and the body english that accompanied it, Zatanna replied "We'll make time!" Letting go of her gloved hand, Zatanna instructed her friend to continue to undress her. Spreading her slightly large thighs for Batgirl, her bikini bottom slid slowly down over the signature fishnet stocking she wore. Now all that were left to remove were the boots, bra and stockings.


"Barbara, why don't you use some of the skill you have and rip my panty hose off? After all, I tend to go through a lot of them in my profession." Batgirl paused for a split second to consider this request. After all, why didn't Zatanna just use her magic and whisk them away herself? But she set aside these thoughts and considered just where to begin. While she was strong, she didn't want to damage her hands by ripping at the waste band of the hose.


Batgirl kneeled by Zatanna's right hip and began her task.


Taking the index finger of her right hand, Barbara slid it in between and under one of the large square strands of the trademark fishnet hose Zatanna wore like pants. To her surprise, the material used to weave the hose gave away as if it were made of paper. Continuing to slide her finger, Barbara broke every strand of the fish net on Zatanna's thigh. Working her way in from the outer thigh, she snapped the panty hose free from the soft skin.


It was almost like unwrapping a Christmas present. As the hose separated and Zatanna's bare flesh was exposed, Barbara became more excited. Looking down at her friend, Zatanna knew that her plan was working to perfection. But that was to be expected. After all, Zatanna was not a gambler. She only played sure things.


"Do you like what you see so far?" Barbara paused again to look at her handiwork. Zatanna spread her hips so that she could see the inner thighs and pubic mound that remained to be uncovered. It was at this moment that Barbara noted that there were no underpants beneath the pantyhose. Just a small black diamond shaped block of black cloth covered Zatanna's sex.


"Go on. Slide them off. There's no need to be shy." With that instruction, Barbara slid her fingers under the material of the waste band and did what she was told. Not that she was opposed to any of the acts in this performance.  Barbara wanted to fulfill this task more than any she had been given before. To master her sexuality and have a pleasant experience for a change was a true vacation for her. She thought about all this as the seconds and her pantyhose slid by in front of her face.


Barbara's eyes almost smiled as she beheld the wild tuft of pubic hair above and surrounding Zatanna's pubic mound. Seeing the look on her face, Zatanna slowly spread her hips even wider than she had for her pantyhose to be removed. Allowing Barbara to take in the view of her sex, she contemplated her next and most provocative move. "I take it that you approve of what you see, Batgirl?"  Rather than saying anything, Barbara moved her lips to stroke and caress the lips of Zatanna's sex.


"I have a really special surprise I'd like to demonstrate for you, Batgirl."  While her mouth and tongue were making themselves comfortable spreading Zatanna's vulva open, Zatanna continued her thoughts. "Take a close look at my clitoris. See it? Isn't it beautiful?" As she spoke to her, Barbara focused on the clitoris. It was larger than her own, even when she was fully aroused. It was slightly moist from the attention her tongue had provided on her way to opening the barrel of her vagina.


"Maybe this is her way of focusing my foreplay where she wants it?" Barbara thought to herself as she listened to her friend's voice. "Would you please kiss my clitoris, my dear Batgirl? Kiss it and lick it for me?" Not that she wouldn't have done anything for Zatanna at that exact moment, but Barbara did wonder at the instruction to stimulate the clitoris before moving on to the vagina.


"My powers are not limited to common objects. Would you like to see what my magic can do to human flesh, Batgirl?" Pausing to look up at Zatanna's smiling face, Barbara smiled shyly and nodded yes. "There's no need to be shy, my dear. Before the sun sets tonight, you'll experience a lifetime of pleasures you have yet to imagine. Now, place your lips and tongue on my clitoris and resume your massage. Feel the texture and shape with the soft flesh of your mouth. Taste things you have never tasted before." As she spoke those words outloud, Barbara focused on everything that Zatanna told her to.


With her commands to Barbara concluded for the moment, Zatanna softly spoke the commands of a very personal spell she had been practicing for years. Having learned of this spell from her travels around the world, she had always looked for someone who could handle the power of the resulting metamorphosis.


The clitoris, being among the most misunderstood parts of the female anatomy, did have some basic common points of comparison to the male's penis. Nature tends to make use of common physical shapes in creating organs. The clit and the penis are two objects with a similar trait: they are a part of the physical stimulation of sexual pleasure.


Having spoken the words to begin the spell, the metamorphosis began under Barbara's tongue and lips. The moisture from the saliva and the friction of skin rubbing skin began to cause the clit to swell larger and larger. Barbara did not notice the changes as she continued her massage. In fact, she was almost lost in the flood of sensations in her own sexuality. Her vagina was almost flooded and had begun to flow out of her mound, staining her pants. The tastes that Zatanna had pointed out were unlike any that she had experienced from her other sexual encounters.


A clitoris will swell when properly stimulated. However, Zatanna's spell had invoked a process that would make this encounter an event that could shatter Batgirl's mind at the very least. But thinking to herself, "She's survived everything that's been thrown at her so far. Let's see what Batgirl is really made of!"


Whispering almost without a sound, Zatanna continued to speak to her clitoris and to Barbara in turns. Controlling the spell took only a bit of concentration, but it was required to keep the focus on what was happening. Zatanna did not wish to hurt Barbara, but she was going to do something that none of her opponents had dared to do to her.


With every passing second, Zatanna's clitoris continued to grow. Barbara had tasted and felt such flesh in the past, but this was so far beyond those past experiences, she didn't know what to think. In fact, she didn't elect to think about it at all. She just allowed her mouth to do the work at hand and enjoy the sensations she was experiencing.


"Batgirl, remove your mouth from my sex and look at what you've done." She pulled her masked face back from the pubic mound of her friend and took a long look at the clitoris she had spent her energy on. It had grown to the size of a small male penis! Not quite erect yet, but still a shape that she recognized.  The tastes in her mouth continued to arouse her own sexual organs. She felt her own clitoris and vagina throb and perspire with her own body fluids. Her heart was racing and all she wanted to do now was wrap her lips around the small sexual organ in front of her now.


"Don't let me stop you from finishing what you've begun." With that, Barbara's face fell back into Zatanna's crotch and her lips closing over the swollen clitoris turned penis. Unable to see the flesh below the penis, Barbara placed her fingers where she imagined the ball sack would be. Running her fingertips in the space below the erection, she did not find any sign of testicles. For a split second, logic sparked in the recesses of her mind. "If there are no testicles, how would Zatanna be able to fill me with sperm? Could she create life in my womb?" But the flavors that played over her taste buds drew her attention back to the task at hand.


Zatanna's penis continued to grow under the effects of both the spell and Barbara's constant attention to it. She had to not only focus on the success of the spell over Barbara's mind, but now over her own sexuality. With every inch her penis grew, the closer she came to a profound orgasm. Not that she would object to that pleasure at this moment. However, she did care enough about Barbara's libido to want to make this a fun time for her as well. She was doing most of the work, after all.


"Batgirl, do you like what you feel? Is your mouth enjoying the pleasures of my sexuality?" A low muffled moan emanated from her crotch as Barbara signaled her agreement. "Why don't you let me have some time with your clitoris now?" Placing her hands on Barbara's shoulders, she lifted her damp, moist face up to face her eyes. "You are very talented, my dear. Let's get you a little more comfortable, shall we?"


Lifting her hands over Barbara's head, she spoke a new series of words in reverse that caused most of Barbara's new uniform, as well as what was left of her own clothes, to vanish. Her tights evaporated as if made of fog,  leaving only her gloves, boots, utility belt, cape and cowl. "There, much better! Now, let me pleasure your sex for a bit." Barbara laid down on the floor using her cape as a blanket. Propping herself and spreading her legs open for Zatanna, she looked at the full effect that the transformation spell had on her friend.


Along with the almost manlike phallus, much of Zatanna's body had become more muscular and defined. Even the large breasts had developed tone as if she had been working out for years. Not that this was unwelcome to Barbara. Her journey through her sexual explorations had exposed her to the most extreme behaviors so far. Now, she would tackle the most challenging encounter of her life.


"Would you like me to lick your clit for a little while?" said Zatanna while Barbara was pondering what would come next. Would she cast that spell on her as well? Before she could respond, Zatanna laid down between Barbara's legs and began to lick and kiss the flesh of her now swollen sex.


The well practiced tongue spread and massaged every exposed surface of Barbara's clitoris. Focusing first on the top of her sex, Zatanna drooled profusely as she licked and kissed the little organ, all the while stroking her own erection with her left hand and Barbara's outer thigh with the right hand.


Beads of sweat broke out all over Barbara's body. Perspiration flowed from almost every pore on her body. But nowhere but her sex did the liquids flow.  Zatanna kissed and licked at the hot, salty fluids as if they were a rare and exclusive nectar. Barbara was melting in every imaginable way now. After a half hour, the barrel of her vagina was flooded with her moisture. Seeing the constant flow of her juices coming from the lips of her vagina, Zatanna changed her tactic.


Slightly moving her lips down into the barrel of the vagina, Zatanna brought both her hands into play to spread her sex open. Bouncing her hips slowly on the floor to continue stimulating her swollen, erect clitoris, Zatanna began to insert the first finger of her left hand into the moist, pink tissue. Knowing that the first inch of the vagina tends to be the most sensitive, she ran her fingernail very slowly in a lap around the mouth of the vagina. As she spread the tissue wider and wider, her right hand slid slowly below the sex and began to rub the flesh around the anus, testing for any possible resistance.


The spell was working perfectly. Barbara was totally cooperative with every action that Zatanna threw at her. Even as the pinkie finger of the right hand began to gently stroke the excess fluids then paint them over the exposed anus in anticipation of opening that organ for her sexual pleasures brought no sign of resistance. In fact, every action Zatanna had performed on Barbara's willing body and mind had aroused exactly what both had hoped for.


For the first time during Zatanna's advanced foreplay, Barbara found her voice and asked "Say, would you like me to do to you what you've been doing to me?"  With that, Zatanna smiled very brightly and asked "So, what do you have in mind?" "How about you putting that erection back in my mouth so I can lick it like a lollipop?" Wasting no time, Zatanna stood up and proceeded to lay down with her ass square in Barbara's face. Despite the physical size and weight of Zatanna's body, Barbara's physique was able to bear the burden with ease.


Barbara's breathing was slightly harder with Zatanna's body covering hers.  Furthermore, her heart was racing as she again faced the swollen phallus that was Zatanna's clitoris. It was sweating fluids that now dripped into Barbara's open mouth. Unlike the fishy jell that she had encountered in the past, this fluid was light and almost fruity. Despite the body temperature, it was quite pleasant for Barbara's taste buds. She found great pleasure in 'milking' every drop from that sensitive skin.


It took her a few moments to search her mind, but she realized what that flavor reminded her of. It was almost like a very warm Thai coconut soup she had dined on years before. The texture of the flesh had confused her senses, but the taste was there. Just slightly saltier. This discovery motivated Barbara to continue and stimulate the enlarged clitoris, which continued to grow and change as well.


As Zatanna continued her lubricating probe of Barbara's anus, she had to keep from losing herself in Barbara's very deft sexual skill. She was making her job a challenge. Despite her mastery over her sexuality, this series of magic spells were hard to juggle. Exploring Barbara's mind and her sexuality both at once required more attention than she could muster while she was being pleased so effectively. But Zatanna had faced much greater challenges and this was not going to overcome her.


With a swift, decisive thrust, Zatanna pushed her small finger into Barbara's anus. The shock of that action grabbed Barbara's attention fully. While not the first time that Barbara had been opened so abruptly, Barbara's concentration was broken for a split second. Any pain from the first stroke subsided and was replaced with even more desire on Barbara's part. She continued to suck as Zatanna softly poked back and forth with her finger in the now occupied hole.


Thinking to herself, Zatanna considered just what she should do now. Her enlarged clitoris had almost finished with the transformation into a fully working penis thanks to the loving attention of Barbara's moist, warm tongue.  But there was still a bit more that her spell could do before Barbara's skill would wring it dry. 'Best to make Barbara ready for my little surprise.' Using her free hand, she began to finger the barrel of Barbara's vagina with the same attention as her anus. Keep her wondering which hole she was going to be plowed in first and last.


Barbara's vagina was flooded with moisture, almost as if she had already come.  But Zatanna would have felt that if it had happened. One thing that no one would fool Zatanna over would be an orgasm. This first encounter would be perfect. That was her target. Barbara would orgasm as never before. That thought continued to pound like a bass drum in the back of her mind while her swollen clitoris soaked in the moist warmth of Barbara's mouth.


With her fingers finding a willing vagina ready for penetration, Zatanna knew she should put her new penis to work while the spells were all in balance. The magic would only last so long once the orgasms began. She had to act swiftly.  "I'm thinking that you're ready for me to use that clit right about now."  Pulling her face back from Zatanna's crotch, she could now see what had happened due to her tender attentions.


The clitoris had reformed into a perfect penis, 8 inches long and almost an inch and a half in diameter. The head was perfectly formed, circumcised and shaped like a helmet. Barbara fell in love when she saw what Zatanna had done for her. This would not be like those other crude attempts to stimulate her. Zatanna's magic had created a sexual tool that would make this orgasm a rare treat.


Zatanna lifted herself off Barbara's prone body and looked down at her. "You need a change of position. Want to get up on your knees and let me inside of you?" Without a wasted motion, Barbara rolled over, pushed herself up to a knelling position, then spread her legs as wide apart as she could to allow Zatanna to drive herself into either or both of her damp and excited holes.


Seeing this behavior gave Zatanna renewed confidence to continue. Kneeling behind Barbara's uplifted ass, she draped her upper body over Barbara's back and reached around to fondle her now sensitive nipples. Feeling the grasping of her breasts brought a new sensation to Barbara's wildly stimulated libido. Every nerve stimulated now brought pleasure and desire for more of Zatanna's attention.


Using her hips to rock the now swollen phallus up against Barbara's crotch like a whip, she softly slapped the lips of her vagina again and again. After a bit of that, she withdrew her left hand from Barbara's breast and placed it on her own enlarged sexual organ. She placed the tip of the crown on Barbara's anus and slowly drew circles around the skin. A slight bead of her body fluid drew a moist ring as it slid over the surface. This sensation drove Barbara wild.  Zatanna could feel the tension building through the haze of her own sexual fever. Neither of them would last much longer at this rate, so Zatanna ended her foreplay with a swift, unannounced thrust into Barbara's anus.


Driving the head of her 'penis' in and out of the shallow hole, she began to feel less resistance to the effort. All the lubrication introduced in the foreplay had done its work. Inch by inch, the phallus slid further into Barbara's body. Barbara was treasuring this workout as much as her new friend was giving it to her. Despite the stretching that was going on, none of it was painful. At least, not as painful as she would have thought given the size of the fleshy object being shoved in and out of her asshole.


Zatanna was beginning to loose both her focus and her strength after several minutes of her jack hammering of Barbara's thighs. But she had one last trick she could perform, if only Barbara would agree to help. "Batgirl, tell me. Are you enjoying all my attention?" Upon hearing this question, she replied "I could do this for hours! How are you holding up?" Continuing to hold a steady stroke while she thought, Zatanna replied "Well, I could teach you a spell that would let us do that very thing, if you would like to?" With that, Zatanna stopped her hip pounding and withdrew the enchanted clitoris, grabbed Barbara by her shoulders and pulled her over flat onto her back. "You had better catch your breath for a moment. Check your breathing and be sure you're as calm as you can be."


Barbara took advantage of the pause in the sex to do as Zatanna suggested. After all, it isn't everyday that she would have great sex with a master magician. And learning some of the more powerful spells would give her a clear advantage in the future. Slowing her breathing to a more fuller and deeper pace, she relaxed and waited for Zatanna to continue. Zatanna took her own advice as well, clearing her mind and spirit for the final stage of this sexual performance.


"Listen and repeat as I say these words. Remember, the trick is to say them in reverse without losing your focus and concentration. Only in this way will you master this specific spell. Don't overconcern yourself over the meaning this time. Just stay in the moment and you'll do fine." With that, Zatanna slowly whispered each word of the spell one at a time and had Barbara repeat them until she spoke them without flaw. "One last thing I should tell you. You only need to speak the spell one time to invoke the energy to master your orgasm. More than that, and you might pass out from the resulting orgasm. Ready?"


Barbara smiled up at Zatanna's eyes. Reaching up with both arms in welcome to pull her sexual partner into an embrace, Zatanna placed the tip of her 'penis' on the lips of Barbara's warm, damp vagina and inserted it, allowing it to slowly enter the awaiting barrel. The flood of hot body fluids acted as a lubricant, letting Zatanna to drive the whole phallus inside in one quick stroke. "Now Batgirl! Speak the spell and unleash the energy for your finest sexual orgasm ever!"


Batgirl spoke the spell exactly as Zatanna had taught her. Feeling a slight warming sensation in her thighs, she took that as a sign of success. In fact, it was the beginning of a transfer of Barbara's own strength to Zatanna's body.  This detail had been left out of the lesson on purpose. Barbara would not notice the exchange of energy under the circumstances, and it would give Zatanna the strength she needed to finish her orgasm without being overwhelmed by Barbara's needs. Not that Barbara would be denied any degree of pleasure because of this little deception.


The jackhammer began again, this time into Barbara's well stimulated vagina. The size of Zatanna's swollen clitoris turned penis now began to feed on the energy exchange triggered by the spell. As it was exposed to Barbara's strength, it began to gradually increase in size again. Now Barbara was too absorbed in the sex to notice what was going on. All she felt was the building of an orgasm that would be unlike any she had ever experienced before. Unlike all the ones she had faced in the past year, this one was happening because she was willing and wanted to feel every aspect of her new found sexual liberation.


Minutes turned to hours. Zatanna continued to stretch Barbara's vagina slowly with every stroke. Even with the energy she quietly borrowed from her friend, she began to reach her limit. Looking deeply into Barbara's eyes shielded partially by her mask, Zatanna used what little focus she had left to see into her friend's soul. The sweat that flowed from every pore on her skin showed the physical effect of her mating. But what she needed now was to know that Barbara was ready to orgasm.


Without words, she found the quiet spot in Barbara's mind and stroked it with her own tired spirit. "Now" was all she said. With that, Zatanna released the store of fluids she had withheld and triggered an orgasm that both of them felt across that very slight physical barrier between the two bodies they existed within. That orgasm was unlike anything either of them dared dream of. So perfect was this sensation that it continued for what seemed an eternity.  Barbara looked deeply into Zatanna's eyes, then kissed her lips for a moment.  Then she passed out as the last of the orgasm died away.


Barbara heard a noise that brought her back from her rest. The sound of a door opening and closing. Slowly, her eyes opened. Expecting darkness, she was surprised to see that the drapes were open and the sun was shining in. "Hi Barbara! Sorry to keep you waiting. I have to make sure that everything is ready for my nightly shows before I wrap the rehearsal."


Looking at her wristwatch, she saw that it was still that afternoon. Thinking to herself, 'It must have all just been a dream,' Barbara got up from the couch and hugged her slightly surprised hostess.


End Notes


This was a different kind of story for me. Granted that I've never known any lesbians in real life. But I wanted to make an accurate attempt at such a tale.  I wanted to create an underlying relationship between the two characters that  would be credible with the well worn artistic tools of hypnosis and magic.


Rather than making every chapter of this series of Batgirl mini stories a full blown sadomasochistic sexfest, I wanted to delve into the back stories of some of the super hero legends. Somehow, I don't think that the original authors fairly fleshed out their creations nor did the account for the 'reality' of such characters.


The next chapter will be a return to the darker side of the path that Batgirl has set out on.